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In addition, you should cite the original sources of the datapoints that you have used.
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Tang, Kevin (2015). "Naturalistic Speech Misperception". PhD thesis. University College London. [pdf] [bib]
Tang, K., & Nevins, A. (2014) Measuring Segmental and Lexical Trends in a Corpus of Naturalistic Speech. Proceedings of the 43rd Meeting of the North East Linguistic Society. Ed. by H.-L. Huang, E. Poole, and A. Rysling. Vol. 2. GLSA (Graduate Linguistics Student Association), pp. 153–166. [pdf] [bib]
Bird's datapoints:
Bird, Helen (1998). "Slips of the ear as evidence for the postperceptual priority of grammaticality". In: Linguistics 36.3, pp. 469–516. doi: 10.1515/ling.1998.36.3.469. [bib]
Bond's datapoints:
Bond, Zinny S. (1999). Slips of the ear: Errors in the perception of casual conversation. New York: Academic Press. [bib]
Browman's datapoints:
Browman (1980). "Perceptual processing: Evidence from slips of the ear". In: Errors in Linguistic Performance: Slips of the Tongue, Ear, Pen and Hand. Ed. by V.A. Fromkin. New York: Academic Press, pp. 213–230. [bib]
Labov's datapoints:
Labov (2010). "Natural Misunderstandings". In: Principles of Linguistic Change: Volume 3: Cognitive and Cultural Factors. Oxford: Wiley-Blackwell. Chap. 2, pp. 21–47. [bib]